Try not to put wind rings, a fan, or any apparatuses that make clamor in this division this year, which can be troublesome if this is your kitchen or TV seeing room. In the event that that is simply the situation, attempt to position with the Grand Duke behind you and make certain to a Pi Yao legendary creature with a mythical beast head, horse body, with a couple of horns, little wings, and hooves, or any furious looking creature, for example, a rhinoceros in the SW area of the house or a room confronting the NE for insurance. Maybe convey a Pi Yao Charm in your pocket, or some other Protection Amulet in agreement to your profound conviction.

A few specialists suggest a couple of Pi Yao be utilized so as to sufficiently control Tai Sui. Regardless of whether a couple of Pi Yao, plain or bejeweled, focus the initial hardly any weeks to check whether they are really ensuring you, particularly monetarily   In the event that the 7 Star is in the kitchen, there should be alert against flames. So check smoke cautions and home fire quenchers. In the event that you have an office in the East think about moving it, or be extra mindful so as to twofold check every single legitimate arrangement.  On the off chance that the front entryway is in the East, be certain locks and security frameworks are working appropriately. You might need to put another Bagua Mirror over the entryway. In the event that your front entryway tangle is red, you might need to supplant it with one that is blue or other dim shading. In the event that you have a breeze ring, it may be a smart thought to eliminate it until Feb 4, 2010.

To dodge Metal 7 threat Do Not including things made of Metal or Earth, as Earth supports the dich vu phong thuy vitality of #7. Blue and dim shaded adornments, alongside a bowl of clean actually water with six coins or fortunate bamboo can be a quieting impact to #7. A few people place a Blue Rhinoceros puppet in the region of #7.

Sadly, this year the #7 Star imparts the East to the Three Killings, which can add to this present division’s challenges. Notwithstanding, the Three Killings ought not to be an issue if the best possible cures are established. The vast majority of all, abstains from sitting with your back toward the East, and recall Do Not confronts the 15º of the Grand Duke in the NE 22.5º to 37.5º.

To secure yourself, place three Qi-Lin Chinese Unicorns or Pi Yao frequently sold two by two confronting East. To maintain a strategic distance from budgetary lose Do Not start development or diving toward this path.